Leading barrister Lisa Busch has agreed to fight our case for free. Her first advice is that there is no outline consent for IKEA! Councillors have been telling us since March that there is nothing they can do to change plans because IKEA already has outline consent. This is not true. The plans can be changed at any stage. Read her legal opinion below:
You need to let councillor know that you care. If you want to avoid traffic gridlock at weekends and would like to keep our community park, please email your councillors now. See link to councillors below.
Read our key facts page to see what IKEA is planning - a store larger than Tottenham. This can still be changed and IKEA could build a "traffic free" store the same as Paris or Hamburg.
We need to keep the pressure up in every way - time is short. If you are concerned about the effect of IKEA on our local community,
- write to IKEA telling them your concerns - all local residents associations have already done so, but the more letters the better.
In Paris and Hamburg, IKEA is opening small 'traffic free' IKEA stores. they could do the same in Greenwich if councillors negotiate hard enough.
- Please keep emailing your councillors. It is their job to safeguard the community and to minimise the impact on local residents.
- Councillors should be pressuring their planning offers to ensure that they demand enforceable contractual commitments from IKEA and proper money towards infrastructure. The council is selling Greenwich short - £750,000 towards public transport measures, when IKEA is giving £5 million to Reading.
ikea plans to demolish sainsbury's and its eco-park. images below.
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We will get back to you as soon as possible.